Love Letters to Stalin, a text by the Spanish playwright Juan Mayorga, Bete Coelho, and Ricardo Bittencourt stage the story of the writer Mikhail Bulgakov, who receives an unexpected phone call from Stalin, praising his work and wanting to set up a meeting, but the call is cut off and the writer thereafter writes letters to the Kremlin with the help of his wife.
In this context, a visual identity for the work was developed, based on Russian Constructivism. With heavy typography, sharp geometric shapes, and flat colors.
Cartas de amor a Stalin, texto del dramaturgo español Juan Mayorga, Bete Coelho y Ricardo Bittencourt escenifican la historia del escritor Mikhail Bulgákov, quien recibe una inesperada llamada telefónica de Stalin, elogiando su obra y queriendo armar un encuentro, pero se corta la llamada y el escritor a partir de entonces escribe cartas al Kremlin con la ayuda de su esposa.
En este contexto, se desarrolló una identidad visual para la obra, basada en el constructivismo ruso. Con tipografía pesada, formas geométricas definidas y colores planos.